To decorate, or not to decorate?

I love Christmas.

I’m not particularly religious, but I love the music, and the lights, and the cheer, and the way that people come together to enjoy food and good company. I can give or take presents. But everything else about the holiday just puts a big, silly smile on my face. You might say I’m “just like a kid at Christmas.” And you wouldn’t be wrong.

And so I’ve spent a fair amount of time this week wondering exactly how I want to handle Christmas this year. With Baby Girl due at the beginning of December, and knowing just how tiring and challenging those first weeks with a new baby are (and also taking into account that it’s cold and flu season), I’m under no illusions that we’re going to have a big family holiday. Frankly, no thank you. Next year, absolutely. Not this one. But I would like to do something to celebrate, and I’m really going back and forth about whether I should put up my tree and other decorations.

On the one hand, it will be our first Christmas together with Baby Girl, and I want it to be special. I’d love to have a picture of all of us in front of the tree.

On the other, decorating is work, and time, and energy. I could probably put things up just fine, but come January 5th, when the twelve days are over, will I really feel like taking things down and putting them away?


It’s not that big of a deal either way, truly. And I know that. But what would you do? To decorate, or not to decorate? Right now, amidst many others, that is certainly a question.  

Merry Happy Everything!

I’ll be taking a break until Wednesday, December 28th so that I can spend time with family and eat lots of food and make good memories. So, in the meantime, whatever you may be celebrating this season, I hope it is joyous and full of love! I’ll see you next week with one more post for the year, and with December’s short story. 😊

The Perfect Present (A Christmas Poem)

Every year,
the name of the game is:
“Find the perfect gift.”
You ask what I want,
and my answer is just:
“Don’t get me anything.”
And, despite what
the Christmas machine may say,
yes, I really mean it.
Your presence is
my perfect present,
dearest friend of mine,
and no amount of money
will replace your gift of time.
They say:
“Life is short,”
and I know it’s true,
so here’s what I want from you:
Just yourself.
Nothing else.
I love you, not stuff.
(Yes, I’m telling you the truth.)
(Sure, bring your dog.)
(Your kid, too.)
(Please just come hang out with me.)
(I promise it’s enough.)

A Christmas Wish (A Poem)

‘Tis the season
for light and dreams,
and holly
and jolly days,
parades and parties and presents,
and also
So busy,
in fact,
that it’s hard to enjoy
the holly
and jolly
and cheer.
But we’re here!
One more year,
one more tree,
and so many reasons
to be merry.
We’re here,
and we’re happy,
and yes,
‘tis the season.
But man,
I’d love a nap.

Loudoun Local: I love a parade!

What better way to celebrate the festive season than with a small-town parade that’s big on charm?!

One person I chatted with said, “This looks like something out of a Christmas movie!” And I agree. And so I wanted to share some of the joy – read, lots of pictures – with all of you.

We’ve lived in the area for many years now, and though I’ve seen Middleburg’s Christmas Parade before, Graham had never been. So on Saturday, we woke up early (my least favorite thing), made our way into town, and settled in to watch not one, but two parades.

Every year, the day starts with the Hunt Review.

Middleburg’s hunters and hounds trot down the main street, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like this anywhere else in the world.

There’s a break in between, so we walked around and just enjoyed what the town had put together.

It’s sort of fun being temporary tourists. But definitely different. Middleburg’s population sits at about 750, and on parade day, thousands of people come to visit. I don’t know how the town handles it, but they do. And I’m grateful for it. I know it must be hard, figuring out all those logistics.

The main parade starts at 2:00, and it was just so adorable.

I mean, really, come on – corgis on parade?

Lots of local businesses had floats, and they were all really fun.

The Grinch even came to visit.

And of course, there were marching bands.

And also lassos. And more horses.

And Santa, too. But Graham couldn’t get a good picture of him, unfortunately.

It’s a busy day, and we were all tired at the end. Including Miss Honey, who did not enjoy the loud noises.

But who really liked the cuddles.

I’m sure we’ll go back next year. It’s a wonderful event, and I’m thankful to live in a place with such a strong sense of community. I feel like that’s rare these days, and we’re so lucky. It truly feels like Christmas around here now, and I’m just loving it. 😊

Making (Musical) Christmas Memories

Hello from the other side! Of Christmas, that is. We had a wonderful holiday – busy, but so good, and I’m grateful for it. We ate lots of delicious food, spent time with my parents and a few good friends, and made so many happy memories.

And, you know me. Of course, there was music. So we made some musical memories, too.

I mentioned in a post a few months ago that Graham had really taken to the mandolin my Dad brought the last time my parents visited. This visit, we were able to actually sit down and play a couple of songs. It was so much fun, and so cool to see Graham get more comfortable. And luckily, my mom took a couple of videos. I wanted to post them here, because good memories, and especially good music, should always be shared.

This one’s an old gospel song I used to hear all the time growing up.

And here’s a new classic.

Both songs were keyed a little low for me, but it made things a little easier on Graham, so it’s all good. 😊 I hope you enjoyed listening!

And I hope you had a lovely holiday – or, just a lovely weekend – as well!

Sunday Supper #4: Counting down to Christmas!

*A quick announcement before I share some Sunday thoughts: I’ll be taking next week off as a sort of holiday break. But I’ll be back on Monday, December 27th! Expect some post-Christmas musings and the last short story of 2021.*

Oh, man. Less than a week until Christmas. How did that happen? The month’s gone by so quickly, but I’m feeling pretty prepared and excited.

I’ve bought presents for everyone on my list, but I’ve not gotten around to wrapping them yet. The good news? I actually remembered to buy wrapping paper and gift tags this year! (Seriously, I’ve forgotten in the past. I’m not proud.)

The bad news? I forgot…basically everything else. Tape, ribbons, bows… Oops. So, we’ll do what we can this evening and finish up later in the week.

And I’ve got a Christmas feast all planned! Not that I’ve actually made a grocery list or done any grocery shopping yet. But that can happen later in the week, too. I’m sure the store won’t be crowded. I’m sure everyone else is more prepared than me. Right? RIGHT?! (I’m not fooling myself, you guys. It’s going to be crazy busy. But it’ll be fine.)

So, it’s actually just general chaos here as we get ready for the holiday, but it’s good chaos. I’m excited to give some fun gifts to the people I love. I’m excited to see my family and a few good friends (all vaccinated) for a lovely Christmas Day dinner. And I’m excited to see what the new year will bring. But, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. For now, presents, groceries, laundry, and some last-minute cleaning. A busy evening ahead, I think.  

What’s for supper, in the midst of the madness? Well, with everything else going on, I don’t really feel like cooking, so leftovers it is! Good thing we planned ahead and ordered a really big lunch.

And before I go and get started on…everything, I wish you all a very happy Christmas, or whatever you may be celebrating this month. May it be joyful, peaceful, and restful, and most of all, may it be filled with love. Happy holidays from Virginia, y’all!

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Santa Edition

I can’t remember the last time I had my picture taken with Santa. Well, the last time before this past Friday, anyway.

I’m so glad someone thought to capture this moment! We had a lovely evening at one of our favorite local spots singing Christmas carols and spending time with friends, and as it turned out, with Santa, too. Hopefully this becomes an annual thing, because it was so much fun. But if not, at least I’ve got the picture. And of course, the happy memory, too. 😊